dilluns, 11 de maig del 2020


A- The senses

Bang- cop
Yelling- persona que crida molt.
Soft- suau
Beat- golpejar
Whisper- parlar molt baix
Scent-  perfum , olor , aroma.
Bitter- amarg
Rotten- podrit
Stink- mala olor , fer pudor.
Flavours- sabors
Appearance- aspecte
Stare- mirar fixament
Pattern- patró , estampat , dibuix
Shapes- forma
Colourful- ple de color , acolorit
Gorgeous- preciós , guapíssim
Smooth- llis
Scratches- esgarrapar
Tickles- fer pessigolles 

B- Memory 
Accurately- de forma fidel

Aloud- en veu alta
Boost- impulsar , estimular
By heart – de memòria
Conscious- conscient
Daydream- somiar quan estàs despert  
Disorder-malaltia, trastorn
Inability- incapacitat
Loss- pèrdua
Make an effort- fer un esforç
Positive- persona positiva
Powerful- persona amb poder
Recognise- reconèixer
Remind- recordar a alguna persona

C- Fears and Phobias 
Anxiety- ansietat
Common- corrent , comú
Cope with- fer front a , arreglar-se-les
Face-enfrontar-se a
Get over- superar alguna cosa
Helpless- incapaç
Struggle- lluitar, tenir dificultats
Suffer- patir
Sweat- suar
Upset- disgustar
Weird- estrany , fora del comú .

divendres, 27 de març del 2020



1.   What is the title of the film?
 The title of the film is Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again!
2.   Who is the director?
The director is Ol Parker

3.   Who is the screenwriter?
The screenwriters is also Ol Parker


4.  Where does the action take place?
The action takes place in an amazing island of Greece.

5. When does the action take place?
In the past but sometimes appear actions in the present.

6. Which genre is the film?
Is a romantic musical.


7.  Who are the main characters?
    The main character is Lily James as Donna.

8.  Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

-Donna:  Donna is a tall woman , with long, curly blonde hair and brown eyes, she always wear colourful clothes , she is such as a hippie.She is owner of the Hotel Bella Donna. She is an only child. She is a honest and hard-working girl. Donna is also the mother of Sophie.

-Sophie: Sophie is 25 years old and the daughter of Donna Sheridan. Sophie has blonde hair like her mother and blue eyes. She is also a very hopeful and optimistic girl. Furthermore, she is the mother of a little boy called Donny.


Write 4 words from the film and...
9.  Write a definition in English

Rips: to move with violence or great speed.
Pregnancy: the state of being pregnant.
Neglected: to not give enough attention to something or someone.
Chapel: small church, or a room used as a church in a building.

10.  Translate them into Catalan.
Rips: trencar,estripar.
Pregnancy: embarassada
Neglected: descuidat/a, abandonar.
Chapel: capella.

11. Write one sentence with each word.

Carol accused Marc of ripping his new jeans.
Emma don’t work because of she is pregnant.
Pau has neglected his children.
    Does this village have a chapel?

dissabte, 18 de gener del 2020

La Pedrera

La Pedrera is a moder building in a famous street in Barcelona. Thousands of visitors come every year to see this amazing building. La Pedrera is one of the ten modt visited places in Barcelona.

La Pedrera has three facedes , 7 floors and it is almost 30m tall. La Pedrera looks like a house that belongs to rich people becouse it is so big. If you are outside, you don't see anything, but if you are inside can see Gràcia Arenne. La pedrera is unique and extraordinary. If you were in the top of the house, you would see an amazing landscape of Barcelona! There are incredible views.
It was designed by Antoni Gaudí. It was built beetwen 1906 and 1910. When the house was built, it was for a rich family that lived there a lot of years, but now the house belongs to Catalonia foundation.

When it was first built, some people didn't like that house becouse wasn't like others kinds of houses. But now it is extremedly popular. In my opinion La Pedrera is an old and unmodern house.