dijous, 4 de gener del 2018

Film review

  • Credits:

1. What is the title of the film?
The title of the film is the smurfs3, the lost village.
2. Who is the director?
the director is Kelly Asbury 

3. Who is the screewriter?
The screewriter is Pamela Ribon, Stacey Harman

Summary of the plot:

4. Where does the action take place?
The action place pass in the smurfs village and in a other smurfs village.
5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)
In past
6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction).
adventure and science fiction.
Main characters:7. Who are the main characters?
The smurfette( la pitufina), Gargamel, the strong smurf, the smurf dad, Azrael, the clumsy smurf, the inteligent smurf , the mum smurf of the lost village, old the smurfs of the lost village.
8. Decribe two characters in the film. (physical description, pshychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)
First character-Gargamel: Gargamel is bad and he want cath old the smurfs for have more poerfull.
Second character- The strong smurf: Is strong, he live in the smurf village, he be in love of Smurfette. 


Write 4 words from the film and...
magic, hate , surprised, scared

9. Write a definition in English
Surprised: becouse they don't know where were they go.

10. Translate them into Catalan
Magic=Màgia Hate=odi Surprised=sorpresos Scared=asustats

11. Write one sentence with each word.
Gargamel love make magic.
Dad smurf never have hate.
They was surprised.
She was scared.